2295 entries.
Oh.. So, would that mean that your afraid to be in a friendship with someone? I'd like to be your friend! That's why I was asking if you're ever had a best friend. Having a best friend is more like having a family member. I know it seems like I'm trying hard to be your friend.
Introverted would be considered too extroverted a label for me. I'm a few degrees below introverted, I'm afraid. I rarely talk with people. And that aspect is worse now that my possession problems have increased.
You're also an introvert too? I thought you'd be a more active person, never thought a man like you would become that.
I discovered about This Man on a Reddit post from someone. The person made fan art of different Creepypastas. After, I saw his again in a YouTube video. That's when I did some discovered about This Man.
Was your dream influenced by the meme and social experiment, or did you discover the meme afterwards and have a realization?
I have, during 2023. It feels like I've seen him before. Maybe when I was a kid? I don't actually know for sure. I probably did but don't remember. Don't remember much from the dreams though..
Art is nice. Same. Although I'm not very good at arts at present. By dreams I meant dreaming of This Man. I was curious why you seem to be so captivated by it. Have you dreamt of This Man before?
I do like to make art! When you mean by dreams, do you mean normal or nightmare? I'm not as communicative either. I prefer to be alone, I'm a introvert. I don't have any kind of power with the paranormal nor any supernatural proclivities.
I'm not particularly communicative. Mind if I inquire as to your particular interest? Also have you had any dreams? Do you have any paranormal or supernatural proclivities?
The reason why I was asking if you've ever had a best friend before is because, I wanted to know if maybe I could be that best friend.
in the end it doesn't even matter. people view things how they want and behave how they want. it's simply the human nature of freedom. people can/do see things in what they want, and can/do infer and extrapolate what they want from things. i've had a few good friends throughout life.
Yea it's not good, but I'm probably still going do it either way because I do not listen all that much.
Nikkie, that's not a really nice thing to do, really 😠You can't believe everything you come across
,,this is also my last entry here, my ass is TIRED mate
Another thing I would like to ask is, have you ever had a best friend in your life?
Quick question, do you think there's a specific reason behind the fact that folks believe that you're fake instead of real? I believe you are real, I believe in about almost anything I come across.
Nah, you're good Nicole.
Oh, I was reading that wrong. I'm slow as hell and there are certain words that I can't comprehend properly.
Not the big people, the Big Apple. It's a nickname for New York City. NYC is also called Gotham City.
Hi again. What do you mean by, "the big people" who are they exactly?
So keep an eye out on the big apple. People thought 911 and covid were bad.