2307 entries.
I probably seen him in a dream because of this website, idk
This looks like aidan gallagher, btw i know its a hoax
lmao never change scott
yo nikki lets make out
This is a total hoax. from 06. In 09 it was discovered that the website was a gorilla marketing site. In 2010 Italian sociologist and marketer Andrea Natella saw the project and confirmed he was behind it and it was all a stunt. This image is based on his father.
I’ve yet to directly meet this man in a dream but he seems SO FAMILIAR! Does anyone else feel like this?
I have yet to see this man in my dreams
Ese tipo me persiguió y me levanté en la madrugada
This man haunts me.
Last night, i had a dream of this man in my High School. He was a principle of the school and he was actually really nice and it was crazy to finally see him in my dreams. Who knew a guy with thick eyebrows could appear in thousands of peoples dreams.
Er war in meinem Traum ich wahr in einem hellen weißen raum und er stand vor mir trug eine elegante jeans und einen schwarzen rollkragenpullover kam näher auf mich zu und gab mir einen drink ich trank ihn wurde bewusstlos und wachte später in meinem zimmer wieder auf
You were in my dream, along with the Man. The three of us held hands and watched the clouds. A song was playing in the distance, some violin that made us all cry silently, unable to stop our tears. It was so beautiful. So beautiful. You had long brown hair and wore a black turtleneck. Huge jugs. Big
Qualche giorno fa ho sognato quest'uomo.
Ero a casa e stavo facendo i miei compiti come tutti i giorni quando dalla finestra entra questo uomo che mi dice se avevo bisogno di aiuto per i compiti.
io dissi di si e insieme almeno 1 volta al mese facciamo i compiti insieme nei miei sogni.
I didn't saw anything about him before sleeping last night. So, I was in some Walmart, I saw some things and he kidnapped me. The things were related to Avatar series, but it isn't relevant. He said to me something like: "You're gonna come with me now"
I'm not afraid of him anymore.
This man on more than one occasion has been very nice and kind he bought me a drink, he’s complemented my outfit. He normally wears a suit and dress jeans. He’s very funny, kind, and overall nice. Thank you this man if ever you find a name.
This man name suggestion: John,Tom”Thomson”
I went through a period of being able to lucid dream. It culminated in a dream where I was in an all white room, no windows and was creating intricate sulptures from the floors with my mind, like the stone work in cathererals. During this I felt presence, turned around and there stood this man.
I still dream of that man when I feel awful and he's always there with a smile and and warm hug for me to make me feel better. He helps me when I need help on dating things.I would be lost with out him
I told him that once in a dream I had said "I love you" and all he did was look at me and said "I feel the same" that's when I woke up.Feeling awful I went out to meet some of the people around me,and even found my self a new partner.
And making me feel so happy to know someone that I'd wake up to the sad truth that I was indeed alone.This was also around when I was going through a break up with my partner..and in those dreams I had started like him (the Man) more than just a friend