2404 entries.
I was in a house that had a group of young boys throwing rocks at my balcony patio so I went out I turned my head and this man started walking towards me and climbed up my balcony QUICK I had a glass sliding door that didn't lock so I had to hold the door shut face to face w this man Staring@me
I have a framed picture of this man on my wall
This face disturbingly looks familiar to me... I'm sure I've seen him in one of my dreams, but I probably forgot what the dream was about. Whenever I look at his face, a strange feeling of animoia/nostalgia kicks in.
I was in the house looking at the window and lately I looked at a man who was exactly like "this man", I was scarried and then he look at me at my eyes with an scary smile, I closed the window. I couldn´t sleep that night....Now I see him everywere....help.
I saw the man last night. I was outside, wandering through a blizzard, when the man emerged. No body, just a face. He offered his hand, but I didn’t take it. He seemed…dangerous.
I dreamt about this man. In the dream I was at a store-like location with huge shelves, which morphed into a labyrinth. I got lost and emotional until suddenly this man came. He looked almost exactly the same as the picture and he wore a black suit. He showed me the way out and I woke up from.
I did not have sexual relations with that man.
He was watching me trough the window
He killed my best friend and was chasing me and trying to kill me too. He was with a little boy.
I saw him at the car park
He touched me inappropriately in my sleep ;(
I agree I saw him with his hand in putin's crotch
i know what you did yesterday
Estudiante desaparecida por robar dulces en el aula de clases en el colegio ucayali adventista, si la encuentras comunicar a sus padres
I saw this man on the street and he looked at me and then i started seeing him in poppy playtime so i think this is herobrine's real life version so yeh. if you have seen him in poppy playtime go to rule34.xxx to submit ur thing
I am quite fascinated by this and glad this site exists. I have to say I have a friend who bears an alarming resemblance to him, but younger. Though he has not been in my dreams but once.
mraoiw meoow mewoawahh ngbnnggghh :3
Hello ! I come from Reddit where I have seen the drawing of this man. In my childhood I dreamt of him several times ... And yesterday when I found this picture, I had the same dream than before with THIS MAN
I have never seen this man in my dreams but I want to see him in my dreams.Im starting to have a crush on him and getting desperate to see him one night.Im sooooo impatient hehe
Ive seen this man in my dreams way too many times. I told my doctor and said he has seen him after i showed him a drawing of him and he asked arounf then directed me to this website. In my dreams he is always laying on the ground in the white tape from crime scenes dead. This is creepy