2311 entries.
I like to eat shit. A and griffa should get raped by this man uwu kaka lil faggot uwu cunt die get bum raped I hope this whore spreads his asscheeks for you but then shits all over you and shoves it down your throat. maybe he just has a piss kink or maybe its just me. im not sure but go get raped
This man ate my asscheeks in my dream while me A and Griffa were dancing and then he ate my dandruff hair
bro i love men iseah is so hot i love men i love men im so gay i love men i had a dream with this man and he ass fucked me it was the best dream ever!
taco taco chmimichangaa crack cociane taco taco? te gusta los tacos?
i saw this man and we drank water togh. best moment of my life
i scammed him
i saw this man in my dreams 3 years ago and he said he has to go get the milk and i never saw him after that
i fought him in a dojo
omlll emir lets do that irl
i had a dream where this man had a threesome with me and this boy in my class called abdul i still remeber how hot it was
Two years ago I saw this man in my dream, two days later my cat died from a fire caused by me accidentally dropping a lighter on the carpet.
never dreamed of him but is he good in your dreams or bad?
Throughout my childhood I had recurring dreams where this man would replace my father. I was always scared of him but would come to realise he was just trying to be my friend and I would feel guilty for being scared of him.
Nunca soñé con el, un día me lo enseñaron, pestañee y me sonó su cara, cada vez más. luego lo empezé a recordar, cómo si lo hubiera visto como en un sueño.Luego cada vez que pestañeaba me sonaba y escuchaba un pssss largo y agudo pero como si estuviera en mi oreja diciendomelo...
He soñado que estaba en la calle,habia muchas personas, se me acercó y me dijo "derecha,recto 2 calles,derecha" después de eso,se fue.Me quede desconcertada. Seguí sus instrucciones,me lo tope de nuevo y me disparo,me desperté de golpe,aún me dolía,pero no estaba herida.
Me entere de el a los 10 años, no tengo recuerdos de haber soñado con el, pero su rostro me hace llorar a mares, no se porque me hace llorar, no parece ni de ser por miedo, ni alegría ni tristeza, simplemente, lloro al verlo.
I dreamed about him before I found out about him, in the dream he shot me after the chase
j'ai l'impression de l'avoir déja vu
i have been seeing him in my dream secnce 2007 its kind creepy but found out I can talk to him and just listens