2310 entries.
i am here because of the why files on youtube
My plug a little weird but he chill
Never seen this guy, but is very interesting to know about this phenomenon.
This man is the website owners father as a young man and the whole thing is a marketing hoax
This man has been identified as Torrance Dennily. He died in 1972. His son conducted experiments in time-viewing and opened a quantum parallax portal. This phenomena known as the quantarallax allows viewing aspects to be relayed across space and captured in dreams.
There are reported cases of remote viewers who have located a family member and placed themselves inside their head. They have been able to see the thoughts of the family member.
This Mans Carl Sagan. But thing is that he's also Nicholas Cage in "Dream Scenario".
He is waiting at the door.
I must not open the door.
He says it's safe ,but something tells me if I open it's dangerous.
The voices from the door keep calling me.
They want me to allow them entrance ,but I can't allow them to come through the door.
idk if it was a bizarre amalgamation of my intense bingeing of horror shows but i'm doubly sure , it's the same face except he was a giant demon in my ancestral home . He / it never hurt me unless i crossed the boundary , could sense my every move , except when i was in the attic .
he was with a goatee and a moustache. REM sleep almost everyday.dreamt this man he was with a black suit and tie. he looked abit more like "karl urban" .as i exit my dream. he said "hello" .nobody can speak to me in my dream. only jins and supernatural beings can.
Just seen on...
I saw this man in my dreams, real talk. He was the guy giving me my order of chili at wendys. He looks me in the eye and says "What is 12x6"?
This man has extreme handsome eyebrows.
i think this man works for the cia and is like a videogame visualization of someone that could live all over the world and it gets used to gang stalk people #stopgangstalking #freealltargetedindividuals
have your dreams stopped?
Saw him once a while ago im pretty sure, havent seen him since though
I'm This Man. Sorry for intruding upon your dreams, it isn't something I can control. I assure you I'm a decent person. There isn't any reason to be scared. I'll try my best not to enter your dreams unless you want me to. Also sorry for making people jizz their pants.
Sorry for my bed english. I see this man in the dream all the time i don no way. pleese help
I keep having these repeat dreams. About this man. In the dream, I am always in bed on my phone, and he is just walking outside by my window he doesn't look at me, but I can see his face.